Friday, July 22, 2011

Lessons Learned in Cloth Diapering: The Basics

Here's a basic outline of the options out there for cloth diapering that  I have tried.

NOTE: I've included Amazon links throughout.  While sometimes their prices are a little more, they do have great prices, awesome customer service, and if you're like me and use swagbucks then you probably have gift cards burning a hole in your pocket.

The All-In-One Diaper (aka the AIO)
This is the diaper that is most similar to a disposable.  You just put it on EXACTLY like a disposable, and take it off the same way.  Nothing to stuff, no cover needed, can go under regular clothing.  This is typically the trimmest diaper, in my experience.  The cons:  they take FOREVER to dry.  I typically hang mine in the sun, and then follow it up with some dryer time.  If there is no sun, I run it through the dryer twice.
Brands I love:

 The Pocket Diaper
Pretty much exactly like an AIO only instead of all of the nice absorbent stuff being sewn in, the diaper is more of a "shell" and with a hole in it and you stuff it with absorbent stuff.  What you get is a diaper that goes on very similarly to a disposable, but doesn't have the LONG drying time of an AIO.  Also, you can customize the absorbency of the diaper.  You can make it REALLY trim but slightly less absorbent for day, or you can stuff it full for nighttime.  I'll make another blog post about what to stuff it with.  Stay tuned.
Brands I love:

  • BumGenius Pocket  Probably the most famous pocket diaper. 
  • Sunbaby Diaper.  These are an ebay diaper.  They are made in China (hence why they are so cheap) but I know someone who did testing on them and they meet all US standards for lead and all the other junk that you wouldn't want in a diaper.  I've heard that they aren't great on skinny babies.  Because my baby is a chunker, these are awesome.  :)
  • A note on Fuzzibunz:  Fuzzibunz are similar to BumGenius Pockets and lots of people love them.  I hated them.  Could never get the fit right, SUPER bulky, and they were constantly leaking.  Some people love them, though.  No judgement if you do too.  We just can't be friends.  

Fitted Diaper
A Fitted is a diaper that does not have a waterproof outer material, so you need to put a cover on it.  Now that my son is older, I don't really like them.  They tend to be too bulky for me.  I did love them when he was a newborn, though.
Brands I love:

  • Thirsties Fab Fitted.  These now are more of a customized size fit.  When I used them they were sized and awesome.  I'm sure these are great too.  
  • GoodMama.  These are like the Ferrari of cloth diapering.  Really expensive but really nice.  I once bought one on super clearance (I think I spend like $15) when I was pregnant, never used it, and sold it a few months ago for $65.  For reals.  These are like collectors items to some people, but for those of us who don't care they are just really great diapers.
  • REALLY easy to make your own.  I made my own pattern.  I'll post it as a future blog post.
I used prefolds when Asher was a newborn and had mixed feelings.  I recently ordered more to try again and they will be here tomorrow.  Stay tuned.  Prefold post to come.  :)

See future prefold blog post.  Same story as prefolds for right now.

If you are using prefolds, flats, or fitted diapers you need to have a waterproof cover.  Here's some options:

Phew.  That's a lot.  There are more options out there, but I'd say these are the basics and what I've had the most success with.  

Next cloth topic:  how to buy/sell used diapers to make them cost NOTHING.  That's right, I never  try not to spend more than $10 on a diaper and every a lot of the time I've sold one I've actually made a profit on it, making the diapers I've kept free or at least really really cheap.  I know it sounds like I'm trying to sell a pyramid scheme, but I'm not.  :)  There are resources out there to help make cloth diapering even more economical.  Post will come soon!!  For now, I have to go fold laundry.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Lessons Learned in Cloth Diapering: Why I Cloth

So my friend Amy recently has been blogging about cloth diapers, and I thought I would continue the "series" I had begun "years" ago.

As I described in my earlier cloth-related post, I started researching cloth diapers when I was pregnant.  Why?  Well here's why I was interested and why I still use cloth.

  1. I read an article when I was pregnant that talked about how chemicals and materials that used to be found in feminine hygiene products but have since been outlawed are still found in disposable diapers for babies and toddlers.  So something isn't safe to have near my reproductive organs for four days out of the month but it is safe to be on my baby's twenty-four seven for the first four years of life??  Awesome.  (Armstrong, Liz and Adrienne Scott   Whitewash: Exposing the Health and Environmental Dangers of Women's Sanitary Products and Disposable Diapers, What You Can Do About It. 1993. HarperCollins.)
  2. They are super cute.  
  3. You save THOUSANDS of dollars over the cost of disposables.  
  4. They don't leak.  Seriously.  I have had probably three times more leaks in disposables than in cloth.
  5. Nuggets like this: "In May 2000, the Archives of Disease in Childhood published research showing that scrotal temperature is increased in boys wearing disposable diapers, and that prolonged use of disposable diapers will blunt or completely abolish the physiological testicular cooling mechanism important for normal spermatogenesis."  Need I say more??
  6. Environmental issues up the ying yang.
Bottom line is that disposable diapers are a relatively new invention, and they are packed with all sorts of gross-ness that we just don't know the long-term effects of.  Cloth is cheap, clean, healthy, cute, and all around better.   I do use disposables at night or when we are out and about (blog post to come regarding that) but I feel like any time my son is in a cloth rather than disposable diaper it is a better thing.

Recap: Asher 14 Months Old

I haven't blogged in a long time.  I'd say I feel guilty about it, but I totally don't because I have been having way too much fun with my TODDLER.  That's right, I said toddler.  Asher is almost 14 months old and I cannot even begin to believe it.  He is a walking, talking, little stack of pure joy that leaves a path of destruction in his wake.  Because I don't have the time nor the patience to blog about all of the truly amazing experiences I've had with him over the last sixish months (or however long it's been since I've blogged) I'll just give some bullets.

  • I am proud to announce that he is SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT!!!!!!  Hooray!!!  It started happening maybe a month ago.  I never had to do anything traumatizing, I didn't have to "train" him by letting him scream for hours, I didn't even have to turn off the monitor.  He just started sleeping.  Every once in a while he stirs and asks to nurse--but I'd say he sleeps through the night at least five nights a week.  Also, the nights he sleeps through the night he sleeps in an extra 1-2 hours in the morning.  Go figure.
  • Yes, I am still nursing.  I've kinda started weaning.  I give one bottle of cow milk to him everyday.  I think I have plans to give one more, which would just put me down to nursing before Asher's nap and before bed, but I'm no sure.  Whatever--we'll see what happens.
  • Asher is running all over the place.  He has no fear when it comes to walking/running.  We are on bloody lip number five and countless bumps and bruises, but it doesn't seem to stop this daredevil.
  • While he is bold in his physical movements, Asher is going through this shy phase.  I'm not sure if it's a phase or if it's just his personality, but he doesn't like loud places or new people.  Once he warms up he's great but he really prefers to be buried in mom's arms than have to meet new people.  
  • He can identify his head, doggy's nose, and his feet.  It is really cute.  Like, seriously the cutest thing ever.  Yesterday we were working on "button" (for belly button) he had it, but then lost it.  We'll keep working, stay tuned.
  • Words he says: mama, dada, doggie, papa, up (this is his clearest and cutest word), out, ago (his way of saying again), out, shoes (or "oos" as he says it), leaf, hat, doe (avocado) and car.  Signs he knows: milk, all done, more, bread, apple, banana, gentle, snack, giraffe, hippo,zebra, doggie, and water.
  • Favorite food:  bread.  Bread bread bread bread bread bread bread.  If someone on tv is eating a sandwich, he has a meltdown for bread.  If he can see the package of bread, he won't rest until he eats some.  He's addicted.  
  • He LOVES books.  He is so cute: he goes over to his bookshelf, grabs a book, brings it over to us and sits in our lap and starts turning the pages.  He usually likes us to read him the book, and then he goes to the beginning and "reads" it back to us.  He gets mad if we don't pay attention.  This is seriously like the happiest part of my day.
  • His favorite person in the entire world is Wilson.  Loves him, asks for him when he cries, points to him if he walks by, giggles uncontrollably if Wilson pays him any attention.  It is very sweet.  Wilson is rather apathetic about the whole situation.
  • He bites his friends.  He goes in to give them a kiss, gets excited, and bites instead.  I'm hoping this doesn't mean that he's some sort of sociopath or is unable to love or something.  Stay tuned.
Truly, I am still the HAPPIEST I've ever been.  I honestly feel grateful that I get such an amazing son to share life with.  He is happy and I just think he's great.