I wish there was a way to tell my little six-month-old how proud I am of him. Since this blog has served as a sort of "record" for his firsts, I thought I would write him a letter. Maybe when he's an adult he'll read this, cry, and hold his mommy and tell me that he'll never love anyone as much as me. I can dream, right??
Dear Asher,
I never had any clue just how remarkable you would be. I knew you would be cute, I knew I would love you, I knew you would be smart, but I had no idea what an amazing miracle you would be.
Your latest "tricks" have been crawling backwards, and rolling in all directions to get something you want. I just can't believe that you have figured out a way to move. The look on your face is so cute--sheer determination to reach the toy that is just out of reach. When you do reach it, you turn your head to find me and give me a big, proud smile. You're amazing.
Right now you are upstairs taking a nap. Even how you go to sleep is amazing. When you get sleepy, I put you in a sleepsack and start to nurse you. While you nurse you keep your eyes tightly closed. When you've had enough food, you open one eye (as if to make sure I'm still there) and put your right thumb in your mouth. When I place you in your crib you roll on your side, keep sucking your thumb, tightly close your eyes, and go to sleep. Daddy and I love to watch this--we think it is so entertaining and adorable how you know exactly what you need and put yourself to sleep. Every night when we leave your room after putting you to bed, Daddy and I look at each other and comment on what an awesome kid we have.
You could not be more boyish. You laugh after you poop, you are a very stinky kid, and you are attracted to things that are fast or shiny. You are also the smileyest baby I've ever known--you honestly smile all the time. Even if you are crying and fussy, if someone smiles at you you can't help but give them a giant smile back. Your laugh is infectious and I would do just about anything to hear it.
I love you so much and am so proud of you. I adore you and feel so very blessed to be your mommy. Always know that you are so very loved, valuable, and perfect just how you are.
Love, Mommy.
OMG he is huge and soooooo cute.