Sunday, October 31, 2010

Super Fun Solid Starting on Sunday!

After talking last night to friends (thanks Meade and Geigles!)  I decided that Asher is probably ready for a little bit of solids, even if his mommy isn't.  He was sleeping through the night, and  now is waking up hungry, he's grabbing for food, he's mouthing like he wants to eat while he watches us eat, and he just seems like he wants more after nursing.  I have been fighting it, but I thought I would try a little rice today.
It went well!  I have no idea how much he ate since most of it ended up everywhere but his mouth but still!  I kinda felt like I was feeding him poison seeing as how until today the only thing to go in his belly has been breastmilk and baby Tylenol, but that's a "me" issue.  :)  Oh, I should also say that I've been in so much denial about starting solids that I haven't gotten a high chair yet.  If you have one that you would like to give/sell to us please let me know!
For your viewing pleasure:


pre breastmilk addition

Scared Mama.......  (note Asher holding the bowl.  "Gimme!!")


And Happy Halloween!!


  1. Fun! Oh man, I bet he loved it! I loved the pictures. And judging by his size, I bet he really is ready! He is HUGE! I bet he's bigger than Kimball by January :-)

  2. Look! He survived! The first time he does many things will be a nervous/exciting time. Enjoy it!
